a Photograph by Shirley Toulson
Class 11 Hornbill (NCERT English Core) - Lesson 1, Poetry
CBSE Guide and Guess Questions Answers
(CBSE Sample Questions - CBSE Hot)
Question.1: Whose photograph does the poet look at? When was the
photograph taken? What does it show? (or, What has been captured in the

Question.2: Explain this line taken from the poem A Photograph, "The
sea holiday was her past, mine is her laughter"?
Answer: Time and nature spares none. The photograph flashes back
to the scene that was captured some thirty years ago. Gone is the carefree
laughter of the sweet girl who was just about twelve years old at that time.
The sea holiday was now a thing of past for the mother just to remember it
fondly. For the poet the sweet laughter of her mother has also become a thing
of past since her mother was no more in this world.
Question.3: Describe the poet's feelings when she looks at her
mother's photograph.
Answer: The poetess Shirley Toulson reminisces over the photograph
of her mother which taken when she was just a girl of twelve years or so. It
revives sad nostalgic feelings in the poet for her mother who died years ago. The
photograph flashes back to the scene that was captured some thirty years ago.
It shows the natural sweet smiles of
the mother and her two girl cousins, all standing together. They were on a sea
holiday, paddling in the sea. The sea seemed as if washing their feet when the
photo was taken. The poet wonders at mother's reaction if she would look at the
photograph after twenty-thirty years. At same time the poet is aware that this
couldn't happen as mother was no more. In fact, her candid smile and laughter
of her mother was a thing of past now. The poet becomes sad as she feels that
unlike the nature which is immortal, the human life is ever changing,
short-lived and mortal.
The poet knows that the situation
captured and preserved in the cardboard frame of the photograph will never
happen again. The poet misses her mother very much as there was a deep silence
everywhere. At the end she accepts the present reality and silently resigns to
her fate.
a photograph by Shirley
Toulson - also
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