FIBRE TO FABRIC | Chapter 3, Class VII NCERT (CBSE) Science


CBSE Guide and NCERT Solutions for Class VII Science

NCERT Solutions and Answers for Textbook Exercise Questions

(CBSE Guide - Solutions of CBSE Sample Questions  = Below)
Question.1: You must be familiar with following nursery rhymes:
    (i)        ‘Baa baa black sheep, have you any wool’.
   (ii)        ‘Marry had a little lamb, whose fleece was white as snow’.
Answer the following -
 (a)    Which parts of the black sheep have wool?
 (b)    What is meant by the white fleece of the lamb?
Answer: (a) The hairy skin called fleece have wool in black sheep.
(b) White fleece means the hairy skin which is white in colour.
Question.2: The silkworm is (a) a caterpillar, (b) a larva. Choose the correct option.
(i) a (ii) b (iii) Both a and b (iv) neither a nor b.
Answer: (iii)
Question.3: Which of the following does not yield wool?
(i) yak (ii) camel (iii) goat (iv) woolly dog.
Answer: (iv)
Question.4: What is meant by the following terms?
(i) Rearing
(ii) Shearing
(iii) Sericulture.
Rearing - Rearing of animals means taking care of economically useful animals by managing their breeding, feeding, medical care etc. for obtaining one or more of their product useful for human beings e.g., apiculture, sericulture.
Shearing - The process of removing the fleece of the ship along with thin layer of skin is called shearing.  
Sericulture - The rearing of silk worms for obtaining silk is called sericulture.   
Question.5: Given below is a sequence of steps in the processing of wool. Which are the missing steps? Add them.
Shearing, _____________, sorting, ________, __________.
Answer: Shearing, scouring, sorting, picking out of burrs, colouring, rolling.
Question.7: Out of the following which are the two terms related to silk production: sericulture, floriculture, moriculture, apiculture, silviculture.  
Answer: Sericulture, Moriculture.
Q.8: Match the following:
Column I
Column II
1. Scouring
2. Mulberry leaves
3. Yak
4. Cocoon
(a) Yields silk fibers.
(b) Wool yielding animal
(c) Food of silkworm
(d) Reeling
(e) Cleaning sheared skin.
Answer: 1-e, 2-c, 3-b, 4-a.

CBSE Guide | Solutions of CBSE Sample Questions

Question.1: Choose the correct option from the given options:
    (i)        Which among the following is an animal fiber?
a.    jute
b.    cotton
c.    polyester
d.    silk
   (ii)        Wool can be obtained from:
a.    sheep
b.    goat
c.    yak
d.    all above
  (iii)        Which is not related with silk industry?
a.    sericulture
b.    moriculture
c.    apiculture
d.    reeling
 (iv)        Silk is derived from
a.    cocoon
b.    pupa
c.    egg
d.    moth
  (v)        Which is not a variety of silk?
a.    Tassar
b.    Mooga
c.    Ruby
d.    Kosa
Solution(i)d  (ii)d  (iii)c  (iv)a  (v)c

Question.2: State whether true (T) or false (F):
    (i)  Wool and silk are the animal fibers.
   (ii)  Silk is obtained from the fleece of sheep.
  (iii)  Pashmina shawls woven from the wool obtained from the under fur of Kashmiri goats.
 (iv)  Silk moth spins the silk fibers.
  (v)  Silk fiber is chemically a protein.
 (vi)  The most common silk moth is the mulberry silk moth.
(vii)  For reeling of silk cocoon is boiled.
(viii)  The hair of sheep is termed as fleece.
 (ix)  In India mostly sheep are reared for getting wool.
  (x)  Marwari is the name of a breed of sheep.
Solution(i) T (ii) F (iii) T (iv) F (v) T (vi) T (vii) T (viii) T (ix) T (x) T

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