Class IX, Biology Answers - Ncert Cbse Science - Chapter 6, Tissues - Intext Questions


Class IX, Biology Answers - Ncert Cbse Science - Chapter 6, Tissues - Intext Questions

Class 9 Biology - NCERT Solutions for CBSE Science

Chapter - 6, TISSUES (Textbook In-text Questions Answers)

Question.1: What is a tissue?
Answer: A tissue is a group or collection of similar cells which work together to achieve a particular function and have common origin. Blood, phloem and muscles are all examples of tissues.
Question.2: What is the utility of tissues in multi-cellular organisms?
Answer: In multicellular organisms there are millions of cells. Most of these cells are specialized to carry out a few functions. Each specialized function is taken up by a different group of cells or tissues. Since these cells of a tissue carry out only a particular function, they do it very efficiently. The tissues are arranged and designed so as to give the highest possible efficiency of function. For example, in human beings, muscle cells contract and relax to cause movement, nerve cells carry messages and blood flows to transport oxygen, food, hormones and waste materials etc. Likewise in plants, vascular tissues (xylem, phloem) conduct water and food from one part of the plant to other parts. So, multicellular organisms exhibit division of labour.    
Question.3: Name types of simple tissues.
Answer: Types of simple tissues: Parenchyma, Collenchyma, Sclerenchyma. 
Question.4: Where is apical meristem found?
Answer: Apical meristem is found in shoot apex and root apex of an angiospermic plant.   
Question.5: Which tissue makes up the husk of coconut?
Answer: Sclerenchymatous tissue
Question.6: What are the constituents of phloem?
Answer: Phloem is a complex tissue. It transports food from leaves to other parts of the plant. Phloem is made up of four types of elements: Sieve tubes, companion cells, phloem fibres and the phloem parenchyma.
Question.7: Name the tissue responsible for movement in our body.
Answer: Muscular tissue.
Question.8: What does a neuron look like?
Answer: Refer to the NCERT Textbook Exercise Solution Q.No.9 of this chapter.
Question.9: Give the three features of cardiac muscles.
Answer: Three features of cardiac muscles are as follows -
(i) Cardiac muscle cells are cylindrical branched and uninucleate.
(ii) They show rhythmic contraction and relaxation throughout life.
(iii) They are involuntary muscles.
Question.10: What are the functions of areolar tissue?
Answer: Areolar tissues are connective tissues found between the skins and muscle around blood vessels and nerves and in the bone marrow. It fills space inside the organs, support internal organs, and help in repair of the tissues.    

Ncert Cbse Class IX Science (Biology) Chapter 6, Tissues - further study

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