Reproductive Health - Class 12 NCERT Biology VBQs - CBSE Value Based Questions


Class 12 CBSE Biology VBQs (Value Based Questions)

Class 12 Biology VBQs - CBSE Biology Value Based Questions

1.   Recently, there was a news in the Daily Tribune that the ex radio in Haryana has skewed to 876 females in comparison to boys. The state Government has sealed twenty scanning centers, which were doing illegally sex-determination.
a)   What is sex-radio?
b)   How the sex of the baby is determined before birth?
c)   Why is there reduced number of females?
d)   What steps the State Government has taken to stop this practice?
2.       In India on 1947 when the country obtained its first independence, the population was around 35 crores, which rocketed to about 135 crores by 2011.
a)   Name the term used for this tremendous increase in population.
b)   What are the factors that had impact on the growth of population?
c)   What is the population growth?
d)   What are the consequences of this uncontrolled growth of the population?
3.       On World Health Day, there was a discussion on the ' National Television, regarding the topic 'Prosper family and Prosper Nation' under the family planning programme.

a)   How is the Government creating awareness among people about various sex related aspects?
b)   What are the different stakeholders involved in this mission?
c)   What is the need of introduction of sex -education in schools?
d)   How is educating of the marriageable age group / fertile couple can help to build a socially conscious healthy families of desired size?
4.       In these days, the posters / bills showing a happy couple with two children, with a slogan Hum Do Humane Do can be commonly seen behind the transport buses, public transport vehicles, on the walls of hospitals and the buildings along the main roads, on National Highways etc.  Moreover, the experts in the field also suggest that the problem by over-population can be overcome by motivating smaller families by using various contraceptive methods.
a)   What is the ideal contraceptive?
b)   Classify the various contraceptive methods presently available.
c)   What are the other alternatives, beside contraceptive methods which can help to check the positive population growth?

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