Pass Marks in CBSE 2020 Board Exam - Subject wise Passing Mark for Class 10 and 12 Theory and Practical Exams - CBSE Guide NCERT Solution image

As a student or guardian you must be aware that CBSE has prescribed subject-wise curriculum and most of the subjects contain 2 to 3 assessment components - Theory and Practical / Project / Internal Assessment. The curriculum also has a breakup of maximum marks for theory paper along with Practical / Project / Internal Assessment.
CBSE (Central Board of Secondary Education) has released subject wise maximum and pass marks (minimum marks) for theory & practical exams, project, internal assessments (IA), exam duration etc for Class X and Class XII CBSE 2020 Board Exam. Candidates appearing in CBSE 2020 board exam can check these marks given at the end of this post (attached figures) as have been released on CBSE official website.Also Read:

According to CBSE circular the practical exam, project and the internal assessment will be held and conducted by the school with the help of an external examiner. The external examiner will be appointed by the CBSE board. Once the practical exam is over, the external examiner has been given the responsibility to upload the marks along with the photograph of the exam being held. The uploading of the document needs to be done on the same day as that of the exam.
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CBSE Guide NCERT Solution - image - CBSE Guide NCERT Solution

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